Taste and See Challenge Day 30 2 Corinthians 5:1-10, Revelation 21:1-4

2 Corithians 5:1-10, Revelation 21:1-4


New Body for New Jerusalem 


Tent to a house

  • We are going to get upgraded when we die or raptured to an eternal body

  • Tent is the state we are in now. Tent get tragedy worn down blow away by circumstance 

  • We have a body made by God and now our parents. 

  • This body gets weary and worn down and we long for a change

  • We will put on heavenly bodies and we will not be spirits without bodies 

  • This earthly body groans and sighs 

  • We desire new bodies 

  • God has prepared us for this and secured with the Holy Spirit 

  • The spirit is a down payment 

Almost Home

  • We can be confident that although not home yet we will one day be home with the Lord. 

  • Believe not seeing 

  • No matter whether we are here in this body or away from this body the goal is to please God

  • We will stand before Christ and receive what we deserve based on what we did in this earthly body (not for eternal destination but eternal reward) obedience 


Heaven comes down for us


  • The old heaven and earth will disappear 

  • The sea is one 

  • The holy city of new Jerusalem will come down like a brided dress beautiful for her husband 

  • He will live with them 

  • They will be his people 

  • God will be with them

  • He will wipe away tears death sorrow crying pain 

  • All these things are gone forever 


The Word starts with the creation of the world as we know it. The Word ends with the creation of a new heaven and earth that is reserved for those who accept his gift of salvation. Will you experience the New Heaven and Earth? 


taste and see challenge,